I hate you Jillian Michaels...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dear Jillian,
I really, really hate you today.
I realize that you kick the crap out of fat and your fabulous on the Biggest Loser, a few times I watched the show I wished I meet the requirements weight-wise to apply, but you are so fired as being my trainer now.
I bought your 30 day shred and then signed up for your online program. My first day on level one of your video kicked my butt, which I'm all for, but why am I SO sore TWO days later that I can't do it again? Geez, I work out all the time, what do you have that my awesome Big Al does not?
Also, your food suggestions suck. I've really stuck to the plan and I'm SO HUNGRY!!! How is 1,200 calories possibly good for me? Yes, I work at a desk, but I work out too, shouldn't I get a little more?!?
If, however, I see much improved differences when I go to see Mr. Al on Sunday, I will welcome you back into my life and trust you with my weight issues.
(Okay, I'll do the video today - no matter how sore I am - as well as do additional cardio, and I'll follow my diet, but that's it, I'm not listening to you anymore.)
You hurt me :(
Miss. Snowflake

What programs have worked for you and your weight issues? Anyone else have a love/hate relationship?


Gabrielle said...

I totally share the same sentiments about Jillian! Even when I'm on a tough walk or hike I find myself yelling "I hate you Jillian!"

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