Busy, busy weekend

Monday, August 24, 2009

This was probably one of the busiest weekends I've had in a LONG time. Friday evening I had to take my car in for repairs (ugh - sucks), Jr. Mr S had a football practice, and I worked on my bouquet. Saturday, I had to get my hair done, go to Jr. Mr. S's football scrimmage, go grocery shopping, pick up my car, clean house, start laundry. Sunday was super-long. I couldn't sleep, so I got up early and finished by bouquet (I'll post later), finished cleaning house, made sure the boat was ready to go, took the boat out to make sure it was running correctly, finished laundry, started packing for the wedding and honeymoon, painted the cupcake holder, cooked for three hours, and cooked dinner.
Except for the boating, I was on my feet ALL DAY LONG! Ugh!
What did you/plan to do on your final weekend of single hood?


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