Let's go back in time...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I'm sorry, I don't mean to tease, but I want to wait for the pros pics before I start recapping. Trust me, I have plenty to start, but it's only fair if I have hers first - from what I've seen in the previews, they're awesome.
So we'll go back to the weekend before the wedding (cue the music that makes you spin and go back in time...hehe)
The weekend before the wedding was SO busy. One of my major wedding projects was to get my bouquet done. I only tackled this when I had to cancel my florist order (long story), but I was determined. I'm a bad blogger and didn't take detailed pictures for instructions (I basically used the instructions on Wedding Bee and modified them to suit me), but here we go:
1) I decided to use fake flowers because this way my flowers are already preserved and I have something to keep. I originally was going to use white calla lillies and roses, but when the order was canceled, I decided to use the GREEN calla lillies I had already bought (and had no idea how to use them anywhere else in the wedding) and white roses. My suggestion for step one is to "play around" a lot before you make any cuts and decide how you want it to look. At first I played around with some cheap ivory roses with the calla lillies just to get an idea of what I wanted and then later I bought the "real roses" from Hobby Lobby to use for the actual bouquet.
2) After you "mess around" with deciding how you want your bouquet to look, that's when you start cutting things. I estimated that I needed to hands length at first, so that was my cutting length - I was better to cut things too long than too short. I started by cutting about 3 callas and 4 roses. I decided I wanted it more ivory than green so the rose was in the middle as the base.
3) After you create the "middle" you start wrapping the other flowers on singly with florist tape so that you have a nice circle (if you're just doing a basic bouquet). This step took me a long time to get to look just right - I pulled it apart at least once (maybe more).
4)I used 12 ivory "real" roses and 10 green calla lillies to get my bouquet to look like below. After all the flowers were attached, I hot glued rose leaves to wire and attached those to the bouquet to give it a little more "reality" and greenery.
5) After I got it all wrapped up, I decided it need to be slightly shorter and that's when I trimmed the stems.
6) Then I hot glued ribbon that matched everything else to cover the florist tape. This took some time to make sure it was absolutely smooth.
Whew! In all, it took me about 3-4 hours to complete. I liked using the fake flowers because then I had room for mistakes since I'm not exactly a pro when it comes to flowers. I also had all the time in the world (ha ha) to finish.

What do you think?
I also decorated a vase I already had with a ribbon for it to sit on our sweetheart table. I followed the same instructions I used for the jars to get the ribbon on there.

(This is my mess after I finished)
Will you try to tackle something like this? Who is doing your flowers?


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