The Perfect Necklace

Monday, June 8, 2009

I know this sounds really bad, but Mr. S does not want to wear a wedding ring. It's not that he doesn't want others to know he's married, he has a weird fear of riping his finger off while at work. He's a land surveyor and he says that when we was married before he got stuck on a fence 8 feet in the air by his ring. He didn't lose a finger that time, but he has a weird fear of it happening again. With as many times as he's had to go in for stitches for slicing his hand open since we've been together (ew!) I'm not going to take any chances either.
So I need to find a stylish necklace that he can wear his ring all the time this way (we are going to go through the tradition of me placing it on his finger during the ceremony, but I'm sure before the night is over he'll probably move it).
I'm not really into gold or chains for him, but it has to be something sturdy enough for him to not break all the time. What do you think about these?

Option #1

Option #2
Option #3
Does your FH plan to wear his ring differently or not at all?


Joy @ HowJoyful said...

Ohh my FH is a firefighter so he doesn't really want to wear it all the time, so I was also looking for a way so he can wear it like a necklace or some other ideas :)

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