When life happens...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've been behind on my updating lately, life's been really crazy lately. In the last week I've attended 4 little league baseball games (2 more tonight :( - it's great the Jr. Mr. S is busy, but this is getting ridiculous), gone to swimming practices (same for Jr. Miss S and Little Miss S - ridiculous schedules these kids have!), my sister came to visit, I finally got to try on my dress and skipped out on my dress fitting appointment (I'll have more on that later), we took engagement pics (I can't wait to see those!), I cleaned up a MASS amount of puck that came out of Little Miss S in the middle of the night the night before the engagement pics (hopefully I don't look too exhausted in them), started a new big project at work that will consume a lot of my time (so much for stalking wedding blogs and planning my wedding from work), went to a family-reunion picnic, and watched the new Star Trek movie with Mr. S.
Whew! I'm tired.
The rest of this week won't be any better. Like I said tonight we have two baseball games, tomorrow Mr. S leaves on his bachelor party trip so I will have ALL FIVE KIDS BY MYSELF for the next FOUR DAYS, I HAVE TO get my act together and start making some progress on invitations, and I have my boudoir pics on Saturday.
Hopefully I'll have time to update in the next few days, but if not, I'll leave you some eye candy...
(Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto - yummy)
Does life get in the way of your wedding planning?


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