Ignoring my to-do list

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is anyone else ignoring their to-do list? It's not terribly long or anything, but I just don't have the motivation to get things done right now. Part of it was because I have been really busy with work and the kids/family. Part of it was because I was REALLY sick last week with some summer cold/allergies/swine flu (jury's still out one what I had) and at least it's finally subsiding slowly. I know the wedding is in only 40 days and that's NO time in full-time job-mommy world, but I can't help but just want it all over, to-do list done or not.
Granted I have done a couple of things, I paid for the florist flowers last week with my credit card over the phone and sent two checks to the Wedding Coordinator for rentals (yeah 'cause she can't just send me one email when I ask for it). I also sent the photographer an email today to pick out our signature portrait and asked some other questions (something I've been putting off). I also finally emailed the band for a new playlist so I can finalize music.
This weekend, Mr. S and I were talking about "after the wedding" and how he felt about us finally being official. In a lot of ways he's perfectly happy just having things the way they are, marriage scares him he says. I guess I don't understand that, I look forward to making it "official" that I'm him and he's mine. Anyway, we both agreed that we'll be happy when it's all over, we're both completely over planning for it.
Anyone else in our shoes or are you feeling sad about all of the work/planning being done?


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