Getting things accomplished

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This week has been very productive. Last week I wrote about how much I still have to do and I realized today that between what got done this weekend and during my daughter's sick day I was able to get half of the items checked off in addition to some that were not on that list (Yay me!). We're coming into the last days (24 now) and I'm not going to have as much time to dedicate to the wedding because of life going on. This weekend is full because we have to clean the stupid rental house that the last renter destroyed (ugh) and I have to take my daughters school shopping (I can't believe the summer flew by so fast), next weekend is Mr. Snowflake's and Twin Snowflake's birthday, so that means I really only have one more weekend to get things done - the last weekend bore the wedding - of course that's already full of last minute food shopping, my hair appointment, and packing. In the middle of all of that I still have work, school registration, back to school night, first day of school, and my work shower. Whew! Sounds like I need another sick-kid day (kidding).
How are you coping with getting everything done right now if you're close to your wedding date? If you're not, do you have a plan in place so that you can get it all done when the time comes?


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