My top ten

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here are 10 things I love about Mr. S:

10. Mr. S is sweet with my family. When my sister came out to visit last month, he got us a spa day. He sends her job opportunities all the time since she’s unhappy with where she’s at. When my parents came out for Christmas, my dad was still in the wheelchair and he was so helpful with that.

9. Mr. S is actually involved in the wedding planning. He did so much work for me last fall when I couldn’t take care of things. Although some of his “help” now is conflicting with my idea of the wedding, I really shouldn’t complain since he is actively involved.

8. Mr. S modified his house for me and my daughters to fit in. When we first started dating, his basement was unfinished. About a month after we started dating, he and his grandfather put LONG hours into finishing the basement with a family room, a large bedroom for the boys and a bathroom. This gave my daughters a room upstairs and eventually the twins will move downstairs so that we can split up the girls (the twins don’t sleep in their own room anyway now – we could move them). He proposed before it was completely finished, but maybe that was because he wanted me to pick the carpet and paint colors. A couple of weeks after we were engaged the basement was finished and the girls and I moved in.

7. Mr. S is super super supportive. Anytime I’ve wanted to do something or accomplish something, he’s been right behind me.

6. Mr. S encourages me to try new things/is willing to try new things– He is always encouraging me to go back to school, or start the web-based company I dream about and many other things. He’s also willing to try new things, like trips to Arizona to visit my family, he watches my television shows, and just about anything I suggest, he’s willing to at least try once.

5. I trust Mr. S with my life. I mean that in a general sense, but also – like when I’m falling off a ski lift – he’ll push me at 8 ft above the snow and ice, rather than letting me fall from 12 ft (or whenever my ski would have ripped me off). (Mr. S you never should have admitted to “giving me a little shove” – I’ll never let you live it down)

4. Mr. S is incredibly thoughtful. For Christmas he gave me a remote starter for my car that would start from over a mile away. This way when I do have to ride the shuttle for work (stupid parking situation) my car will be semi-warm by the time I get there. For my birthday he got me tickets to “Wicked”. When I was in Chicago last fall for work, it was the end of its run there and some other co-workers went, but I was too busy. I was really sad about that. Little did I know, he had been bugging the Orpheum since November to get tickets.

3. Mr. S is a good father. We still have some issues to work out between him and my daughters, but he is totally willing to accept them and support them. He offers his advice to me about them and expresses his concern when something is not right. He truly does have their best interests in mind, and I’m sure that’s a tough thing to do for another man’s kids. In the case of his own sons, he is a great father, he’s close to them and would experience everyday and activity with them if that was possible.

2. Mr. S makes me laugh every day – mostly I love it, but sometimes it drives me crazy. Like when I’m mad… or at work… or being tickled.

Annnnnd the number one reason I love Mr. S (drumroll please)…
1. Just take a look at those gorgeous blue eyes.

What do you love most about your Mr.?


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