Thankful (or in other words – not sweating the small stuff)

Friday, May 29, 2009

When things get hectic, it’s time to slow down and appreciate the small stuff in life. When wedding planning gets hectic, it’s time to sit down and really focus on what matters. That’s what I’ve learned during the last few hectic months.
To start with, last week I was feeling really stressed out by our schedule and kids and work, it was getting to the point where I didn’t appreciate anything and I was just angry with everything. I should be thankful I have a job right now, and yes, it’s stressful and hectic at times, but at least I have a really good job and in the foreseeable future I should continue to have one. I was stressed about our schedule; there were too many appointments, practices, games, kids’ activities, and errands. In 15 years I’m going to miss the kid’s games and practices and activities, I should enjoy them and their childhood. It shouldn’t be an inconvenience to me because it’s going to be all over too soon. I shouldn’t be stressed about the kids, they’ll grow up faster than I ever want them to (they already have), I need to enjoy the times we have with them. When I finally got the chance to slow down and really relax this weekend, I really appreciated what great kids we have. Mr. S and I sat on the patio, beers in hand, and watched the kids play baseball. Let me tell you: two 5 year olds, a six year old, and two nine year olds with bats and hard balls makes for great entertainment. It was fun to see our kids work together and play; it was hilarious when my six year old pitched to the twins; and it made me feel really good when they asked me to play too.
When it comes to wedding planning, what really matters? That you’re marrying a man that loves you so much he remodel his house for you, that he travels to AZ, as much as he hates the state, to visit your family, and will make you feel special in someway everyday. I’d marry Mr. S in our driveway, in the rain, in my sweats if it meant we'd be together forever. I don’t care if everything doesn’t go absolutely perfect on our wedding day, that’s what makes for the best stories, right? A friend is always telling me that I have the best stories – why? Because my life is so UNPERFECT and CRAZY and HECTIC. So if my wedding goes that way, it’ll just be par for the course. If it rains, fine, we’ll party inside and maybe roll in some mud before we leave (favorite wedding show? Redneck Weddings – not because I want one, just because those couples seem to really enjoy life and each other). If the band doesn’t show or we have no flowers, fine, that’s what stereos and grocery store flowers were invented for.
So I guess what I’m saying is that we all need to just sit back and enjoy life as it comes, rather than trying to manipulate it in some way to be perfect. Wedding should be that way too, if they truly reflect your style and life they’ll turn out just fine – well, with a few interesting stories to tell.
What have you learned about yourself/your life during this hectic time?

BTW-Today is three months from my wedding day. YIKES!


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