We're almost officially married

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yesterday afternoon, Mr. S and I took an official step towards becoming man and wife and applied for our marriage license. Unfortunately there is a 3-day waiting period, so we left the courthouse without anything in hand. It cost $35.00 in Harrison County, IA, which seems pretty cheap compared to what other people across the country pay. We are actually getting married in Dickinson County, IA, but our license is good state-wide. There is also no residency requirement to obtain a license. All we needed to apply was our driver’s licenses and a witness. Mr. S’s grandfather met us at the courthouse to be our witness. I was surprised we didn’t need divorce papers or information since we were both previously married, but she didn’t even ask about that (I brought mine just in case). We knew the recorder that helped us fill out the application, she’s the mom of Little Mr. S’s friend on his baseball and soccer teams, so the process was pretty laid back (like most things in Iowa I’m finding out). She talked about how she’s still learning the new forms since the new gay-marriages have started they changed the forms, such as filling in the bride or groom boxes and sex is optional now. She told us stories about how couples have gotten in arguments about changing last names right in front of her (probably something that needs to be discussed beforehand). She explained that a lot of couple sign the license during the rehearsal so that they’re not so nervous and don’t mess it up on the wedding day (you must sign your MARRIED name on the license or you can’t change your name, if you screw up, you have to bring the witness and everybody back in again). They will provide me with a legal name change kit when we pick up the license so that I can start filling out all the forms, but I will not be able to change it until after I get the certified license after the wedding. All in all, it only took us about 15 minutes, pretty painless and simple.
In some ways I felt a little deflated, I was expecting it to much more romantic for some reason. I’m not sure why, when I got my previous marriage license we went to the COUNTY JAIL to pick it up, so unromantic! I guess I just thought it’d be different this time. Oh well.
What requirements did you have to meet to apply for your license?


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